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Whole30 Week 1

It’s a little crazy to think about, but I’ve been eating Paleo/Primal for over four years now.

During that time I’ve had periods where I’ve been pretty hardcore about what I eat, and other times where I’ve been a little lax.

The past few months have been more of the latter. I was eating out way too much, cider was flowing like wine on the weekends, and yeah… there was cheese. After a company trip to Las Vegas that involved lots of fancy dinners followed by nights out at the clubs, I was starting to feel…not so fresh.

It was time for a metabolic reboot. Enter the Whole30.

The Whole30 is a diet program aimed to “reset” your body. It includes all the principles of Paleo–no grains, no legumes, no sugar–but also takes things a step further. By no sugar, it means no coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup, or other sweeteners outside of fruit juice. The restriction on alcohol includes cooking wine and vanilla extract. Dairy? Forget about it, except for ghee, aka your new best friend. 

The Whole30 is a diet program aimed to “reset” your body. It includes all the principles of Paleo–no grains, no legumes, no sugar–but also takes things a step further.

What really attracts me to the program is that it forces you to come face to face with your relationship with food. It is designed so that you begin to recognize not only what you eat, but why you eat it.

Sure, you could be stuffing your face with banana pancakes for breakfast, gluten-free tacos for lunch, and cauliflower crust pizza for dinner and still consider yourself “Paleo.” But finding comfort in Paleo versions of junk food or indulging your every craving with some bastardized treat really isn’t that healthy physically or mentality.

Whole30 puts the kibosh on any Paleo version of food that tries to substitute for a baked good or treat (what it lovingly refers to a “sex with your pants on” or SWYPO). That means no gluten-free almond bread, paleo pumpkin muffins, or even frozen banana ice cream.

The objective here is 30 days of solid meals composed of real food, with minimal snacking in between.

Week 1 Highlights

Chicken Confit

A little planning can go a long way. The Chicken Confit recipe I stumbled across in this month’s Bon Appetite ended up being a great way to start off a week. Not only did I have some leftover chicken, but the amazing infused olive oil was great for sauteeing greens and veggies throughout the week.

Zoodles are awesome. I finally broke down and bought a spiralizer. I now know what all the fuss it about. Zoodles are the best thing since Primal mayo. They are quick, versatile, and filling. I expect to be relying on them heavily throughout the challenge.

Week 1 Surprises


Energy! It might be due to the fact that I eat pretty clean to begin with, but I really did not experience the “hangover” that many have described during the early days of Whole30. Around day 4 I was actually experiencing noticeably more energy.

Hunger Pains? Going into this I was expecting to experience some hunger, but I spent most of the week feeling almost too full. And aside from an apple or a handful of nuts here or there, I really didn’t desire snacks between meals.

Week 1 Challenges

Chicken with Roasted Radishes

I miss Mr. Booze. The last time I went 30 days without alcohol was probably my senior year of high school. I’m not getting hammered at the bars every night, but I’m a thirty something dude, and alcohol is part of my lifestyle. I’ll admit it, I missed my weekend cocktail.

Opting to dine in…again. I live in Decatur, GA, a magical land where the streets are lined with outstanding restaurants and cozy craft ale houses. On top of that, my company goes out for lunch everyday, paid for by the company. I usually manage to keep things clean on these company lunches, but the first week I wanted to ensure I kept things compliant with no room for error. 

Week 1 Meals:

Whole30 Day 1

  • Prosciutto, Spinach, Fried Egg and Tomato on a Portabello Bun
  • Grilled Radicchio with Roasted Butternut Squash
  • Chicken Confit with Escarole and Fingerling Potatoes

Whole30 Day 2

  • Scrambled Eggs with Smoked Turkey and Mushrooms, Sautéed Kale, Prosciutto-wrapped Figs
  • Escarole Salad with Chicken and Radishes
  • Zoodles with Chicken Marinara, Side Salad

Whole30 Day 3

  • Hardboiled Eggs with Grapefruit
  • Spinach Salad with Smokey Turkey
  • Grilled Salmon with Baked Sweet Potato and Sautéed Broccoli

Whole30 Day 4

  • Green Smoothie with Turmeric Fried Eggs
  • Chicken with Sautéed Spinach, Green Beans and Rainbow Carrots
  • Chicken Breast with Butternut Squash and Roasted Radishes

Whole 30 Day 5

  • Turkey and Spinach Omelette with Fried Plantains and Strawberries
  • Salad with Sardines
  • Salmon with Stir-fried Zoodles and Chinese Broccoli 

Whole30 Day6

  • Sautéed Kale with Eggs and Grapefruit
  • Salad with Chicken and Roasted Radishes
  • Beef Taco Salad

Whole30 Day 7

  • Prosciutto-wrapped Mini Frittatas with Spinach Salad
  • Nuts and Dates
  • Chicken Stir-fry with Bok Choy

Overall I think things went pretty, pretty well for Week 1 of my Whole30. Stay tuned for what surprised and challenges I uncover next week!


Sharing is caring!

Daniel Brewster

Thursday 23rd of June 2016

I AM A HUGE FAN! Keep it going!

The Sophisticated Caveman

Thursday 23rd of June 2016

Thank you, Daniel! I hope to!

Sarah Puls

Monday 15th of February 2016

Hello! I'm new to your blog and have just started checking it all out. I noticed in your whole 30 posts you reference smoked turkey as an ingredient in some of the meals. Can you tell me the brand or where you find it? Is it a sliced smoked turkey? I often buy Applegate brand deli meat and check labels for sugar Etc. I know they have a smoked turkey option, just curious if that's the one you're using or if there is something different out there I need to know about?! Thanks!

The Sophisticated Caveman

Monday 15th of February 2016

Hey, Sarah! Yeah, I'm referring to slice smoked turkey breast–I purchase it from my local farmers market here in Atlanta. Like you mentioned, Applegate is approved and should work just as well!

Danielle @ Eat Primal, Run Hard

Monday 12th of October 2015

OMG it all looks amazing!!!! I too jumped on the spiralizer bandwagon late, for the exact same reason, and now I can't get enough of it. I especially love it with my Bolognese sauce.

I totally agree on the paleo-fied foods. Today, as I was looking at paleo dessert recipes for some apples I got given, my mom made a comment along the lines of "... it's paleo, so no matter what you make, it's healthy." I said "Just because it's paleo, doesn't mean it's healthy." Teachable moment!